Now that you lot're eating for two, you're probably focused on choosing wholesome foods that'll aid you feel your best and support your growing babe. But what not to swallow and drink when you're pregnant is merely as important.

While your peanut can do good from all the salubrious nutrients you're nibbling on, a baby can too be affected by illness-causing bacteria that could be lurking in certain foods. So when you're pregnant, information technology's best to err on the side of circumspection and avoid any menu items that could potentially make either of you sick or affect your piffling ane'southward growth and evolution.

Thankfully, knowing what's safety and what's not is pretty straightforward. Hither'southward the lowdown on the foods and drinks to avoid during pregnancy, plus what to do if yous accidentally eat or drink something on this list.

Why should you lot avoid certain foods during pregnancy?

Some foods accept a higher risk of harboring illness-causing bacteria like Listeria, Salmonella or E. coli. At the aforementioned time, your immune system has a harder fourth dimension fighting off germs during pregnancy.

Put those two together, and you're more probable to get ill or suffer complications like miscarriage or premature delivery if you accidentally eat something that'south contaminated. Only as apropos is the fact that foodborne illness-causing bacteria can cantankerous the placenta. And since your babe'southward immune system isn't strong enough all the same to fight off the germs, she's at risk for developing a serious infection or even nativity defects.

Non all no-no foods are off limits because of bacteria, though. Alcohol and loftier-mercury fish, for instance, won't make you ill, just tin can negatively touch your baby'southward evolution. And others just haven't been studied plenty to know whether they're prophylactic for your growing baby.

Foods to avert during pregnancy

So what should y'all be steering clear of these days? Hither are the foods and drinks worth taking off the bill of fare until your baby is built-in.


For the next xl-odd weeks, program to toast happy events with a mocktail or fruit-juice spritzer. Even if you've heard that an occasional alcoholic drink is okay, information technology's all-time to be on the safety side when yous've got a babe on board. Why? Alcohol enters your baby'southward bloodstream in the same concentration as yours — and takes twice as long to leave it — and then whatever you're drinking, your baby's downing one, too.

Had a drink or 2 soon before finding out that you were pregnant? Effort not to worry. It happens to many moms, and (what a relief!) information technology's not a cause for business concern.

Unpasteurized dairy and juices

Fortunately, you don't have to worry nearly finding unpasteurized milk at the supermarket, thanks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But soft cheeses fabricated with unpasteurized milk are another story — they tin can harbor Listeria and other pathogens.

To stay safe, stick with hard cheeses like Swiss or cheddar, or check a cheese's label to confirm it'southward made with pasteurized milk. Have a hankering for feta, Brie, Camembert, goat cheese, blueish-veined cheeses and queso fresco? Confirm that they're fabricated with pasteurized products first, or rut them upwardly until bubbly.

Y'all should also steer clear of unpasteurized juices similar apple tree cider or fresh-squeezed OJ. What nigh treated juice (fruit juices plant in farmer'due south markets and health-food stores that are unpasteurized but take been treated to kill bacteria)? Equally long as it's been treated through UV radiation, it's probably okay.

As well much caffeine

Even if you couldn't become by without your daily triple-shot vanilla lattes earlier you became pregnant, now'south definitely the time to switch out at least a few of those caffeinated shots for decaf ones.

While a couple of modest cups of coffee a day are fine throughout your pregnancy, you should aim for no more than than 200 daily milligrams (mg) of caffeine a twenty-four hours. Also much caffeine tin likewise interfere with your body'due south ability to blot atomic number 26 (which can lead to anemia).

Likewise taming the caffeine habit, you should also sentry your soda and energy drink intake. (For example, a can of Mount Dew has 54 mg of caffeine, while Blood-red Bull contains 80 mg per can.) And remember to pay attending to other sneaky sources of caffeine such as chocolate, blackness or green tea, energy confined and coffee-flavored desserts (hello, tiramisu!), ice creams and yogurts to ensure you don't slip over the 200 mg limit.

Raw or underdone seafood

Got a taste for some tuna sashimi? Obsessing over those oysters on the half shell? Before yous visit your favorite raw bar or local sushi joint, go on in heed that uncooked or fifty-fifty seared seafood is off-limits during pregnancy — the hazard of ingesting leaner and parasites forth with your meal is too high.

So you'll but accept to say "no" to raw oysters, clams, ceviches, fish tartares and carpaccios, forth with the smoked stuff (like lox) that tin besides harbor illness-inducing parasites and bacteria. (Merely information technology'due south OK to eat smoked seafood that'south function of a cooked dish, like a goulash.)

While this doesn't hateful you should shun your favorite Japanese restaurant for the next ix months, it does mean that yous'll need to be conscientious about what you order. Most places, for case, offer rolls made with cooked seafood or vegetables right at the sushi bar! Just make sure that any seafood you lot order is well cooked: Fish should flake and shellfish should be business firm.

Rare or underdone meat

When information technology comes to your meat, at present is non the time to be seeing pinkish…or blood-red. (This is also truthful for poultry and pork, simply most people tend to eat those foods well done.) So while you may have cooked (or ordered) that steak medium-rare before your infant came on board, you'll now need to refrain from claret-crimson meat.

Undercooked meat (and poultry) can harbor such bacteria equally East. coli, Trichinella and Salmonella (all of which can crusade a bad instance of food poisoning) or cause toxoplasmosis.

And if you notice that the restaurant burger you ordered came out a little likewise pink? Don't be agape to send it back. Now is not the fourth dimension to be inconversable. (By keeping your baby'southward safety in listen, y'all'll find it easier to release your inner eating house diva!)

Hot dogs and deli meat

That double turkey, salami and onion with extra mustard might be tempting your pregnancy-crazed appetite, simply it may not be the healthiest pick out there right now.

Every bit a mom-to-be, you'll want to steer clear of those foods that accept been preserved with nitrates and nitrites, chemicals used in food preservation that (in loftier amounts) aren't good for a developing fetus.

Along with that omnibus sandwich, you lot might desire to forgo hot dogs and pâté. Besides existence loaded with preservatives (and fat), these foods besides run the modest risk of conveying Listeria.

If giving up cafeteria is too big a sacrifice, switch to nitrate-gratis lunch meats and rut them upwards until steaming to get rid of any leaner before you eat them (turkey melt, anyone?).

Raw or undercooked eggs

While it may seem like commonsense to refrain from raw or runny eggs, y'all'll find them in more than places than the yummy bits of batter that stick to the spatula. So unless something'south been made with pasteurized eggs, avoid consuming foods where rawness runs rampant: soft scrambled eggs, homemade ice cream or mousse, raw batter or cookie dough, homemade mayonnaise, tiramisu and bootleg eggnog.

Skip the Caesar dressings and hollandaise sauce (unless you lot're admittedly sure they were fabricated without eggs — bottled, shelf-stable Caesars are unremarkably OK), and make sure those breakfast omelets and scrambles are cooked through and through. As with raw meats and poultry, yous don't want to have the chance of existence exposed to Salmonella.

To be absolutely safe, brand sure the eggs y'all buy accept been kept refrigerated and the sell-past appointment hasn't expired.

High-mercury fish

You know fish is loaded with all those brain-boosting (good for infant) and mood-boosting (expert for you) omega-3s. But when information technology comes to eating fish while pregnant, information technology's piece of cake to get confused about which types are bad (i.e. high in mercury) and which types are safe to eat.

In short: Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, orange roughy and bigeye tuna — they're the highest in mercury. You should also limit your intake of albacore tuna, grouper, snapper, wild striped bass and halibut to no more than 1 six-ounce (oz.) serving a week.

What'southward the safest seafood for expectant eaters? That would be wild salmon (fresh, frozen or canned), pollack, skipjack (canned calorie-free) tuna, cod, freshwater trout, sole, tilapia, shrimp, sardines, anchovies and scallops. Aim for ii to three servings twice (or 8 to 12 oz.) per calendar week, but be sure the seafood is well-cooked.

Raw sprouts

Thinking of putting some alfalfa or bean sprouts into your sandwich or salad to give it that extra crunch? Meliorate think once more. Raw sprouts have been linked to E. coli and Salmonella outbreaks, so they definitely belong to the "better-safe-than-sorry" category of foods to avert during pregnancy.

That said, you're not condemned to forgo that crunchy texture until you give birth. Attempt substituting baby spinach or infant arugula in your sandwich or salads, or adding some thin-cut, French-style green beans. That will definitely boot the color and flavor of your sandwich upward a couple notches — plus give you a serving of those healthy green veggies.

Unwashed fruits and vegetables

Information technology's always worth giving produce a quick rinse earlier eating, simply information technology's especially of import to clean raw fruits and veggies these days. Harmful bacteria like Listeria, Salmonella or E. coli tin can lurk on the outsides of produce — and the microbes can easily spread to the inside flesh when a fruit or vegetable is cut, juiced or peeled.

No need to suspension out a special produce-cleaning spray, however. A thorough rinse nether running water before eating or prepping will get the job done, and if you spot whatever lingering dirt, scrape information technology away with a produce brush. Finally, cut away whatever bits of produce that seem bruised or damaged, since these areas are more likely to harbor leaner.

Premade deli salads

They can potentially harbor Listeria, so avoid the egg, pasta, chicken and tuna salads behind the deli case or at the corner sandwich store for now. Only it'south fine to make your own versions at domicile if yous get a hankering. Just make sure ingredients like egg and chicken are thoroughly cooked, and stick with low-mercury tuna options like skipjack.

Foods to avoid when pregnant

What if you accidentally eat 1 of these foods while pregnant?

Accidentally ate something you shouldn't have? Information technology happens sometimes. Phone call your medico right abroad if you start to notice possible signs of food poisoning. These include: tummy pain, vomiting, diarrhea or flu-like symptoms such as fever, body aches or headache. Contaminated food commonly makes you sick inside ane to three days after eating information technology.

And if you're feeling fine? Yous don't have to phone call the doctor, but there's likewise no harm in reaching out anyway. Some extra reassurance is never a bad thing!